DND4e Legion Condition Cards

These cards are used for reference when a characters gets a status effect, it also allows the player to remember that they are in fact under a status condition.

The design of these cards were mainly pulled from Duane Sibilly's experimentation with Ethan Schoonover’s brilliant Solarized color sc...

Design Tabletop

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Progress Stuck is a minor modification of Progress Quest by Grumdrig (https://bitbucket.org/grumdrig/pq-web) in order to grant it homestuck flavour. Originally this was just a reworking of the name, classes, weapons, stats etc. but eventually new features were realised including:

  • Echeladder name...
Dev Games

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The original idea that sparked the redesign of this website was creating a procedural header. The idea of having website content that was different on every refresh was something that I had not seen before and was willing to try.

The first step was to get the pixel art worked out, and for this I c...

Web Dev Procedural

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