bt.exe reflection

Last week I addressed the question "Are privacy limits something that should be considered when breaking boundaries with meta narrative?" with a small mind map that, honestly, kind of moved beyond the boundaries of this question. It's very hard to stick to the one point when the questions all around...

Masters Reflection CIM406 Dev

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During my Master's class on creative inquiry we were asked for a form a question, and one of the triggers that was given to us to think about was recent projects. I haven't mentioned it much on here, but I'm working on horror game called "The Man Next Door" that involves breaking the traditional bou...

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The creative inquiry self portrait

The process

The task was to create a ‘self-portrait of an inspired and reflective practitioner’. There was not really any other details to go by, some examples, but nothing that really fit with me. I was confused, and a little lost at what to do with this task,...

Masters Reflection CIM406

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This post is a case study based on the wiki entry If you don't have access to the course in question, you won't be able to read it.


The game design industry has been around for decades, and yet while looking into it I wa...

Masters CIM405 Assessment

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This week in my Master's class "Creative Inquiry" the topic of curiosity was our primary concern, and something I saw turn up time and time again was that "Smartphones are destroying curiosity".

Now I consider myself a curious person, and after being distracted by reading about Nikola Telsa's hist...

Masters Reflection CIM406

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