The importance of personalising your powerpoints

On starting my career as a teacher, one thing that stood out to me immediately was the importance placed on the powerpoint presentations. These files in some situations had been passed down for years through various teachers who would occasionally add a slide or two of their own work. For a lot of teachers this was all they needed to teach their class.

However on looking into my own classes I discovered a problem. My degree's classes had scattered powerpoint presentations. From week to week they would be created by different teachers, using different templates and were occasionally missing altogether. I continued to bumble through the trimester, re-purposing what I could in the brief time I had in-between classes. This led me to a system that had all the content required, but there was a lack of cohesion between the lessons and was not my content.

So I spent a good two weeks, 8 hours a day, writing new slides. These new slides had a focus on large images and had a cohesive design throughout the different classes, giving the whole degree a cohesion it didn't have before. I expected this to just make things a bit nicer, but it ended up with a couple of extra points I didn't expect: